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Let’s dive into a topic that hits home for so many of us: low self-esteem and self-worth. You know those days when you look in the mirror and feel kind of “meh” about yourself? Yeah, we’ve all been there. It’s that nagging feeling that you’re not quite enough—whether it’s not smart enough, attractive enough, or just not good enough at life in general. Those pesky thoughts can creep in unexpectedly, like uninvited guests at a party, and suddenly it feels like you’re walking through life with a heavy backpack full of self-doubt.

In group settings or social situations, you might feel like everyone else is sparkling with confidence while you’re just trying to blend in and not trip over your own feet. You might catch yourself comparing your behind-the-scenes to everyone else’s highlight reel, thinking that you fall short. And let’s be honest—compliments can feel like they go in one ear and out the other; you just can’t take them in. It’s easy to think that you’re the only one struggling with these feelings, but trust me, you’re not alone. A lot of people experience this, and recognizing that can be the first step toward change.

What You Can Do On Your Own To Give Yourself A Boost


If you’re reading this article, it means that you’re ready to tackle your feelings of low self-worth and esteem. Start by celebrating those little wins—whether it’s getting out of bed and making your favorite breakfast or nailing a presentation at work, give yourself a high-five! Incorporating positive self-talk into your daily routine can also work wonders; try looking in the mirror and reminding yourself of your strengths or even reciting affirmations that resonate with you (Read more about the positive effects of affirmations on behavior in this research study here). Getting out and trying new things, even something as simple as taking a different route on your morning walk or picking up a new hobby, can also spark that sense of adventure and boost your self-esteem. Lastly, surrounding yourself with supportive and uplifting people can make a huge difference—so don’t hesitate to reach out and connect with those who lift you up! It’s all about creating positive experiences for yourself and letting your true self shine! ✨

If you do these tips consistently, you’ll see the best results. So start small and keep at it. You’re training yourself to think differently, and that takes time!

How Therapy Can Help You Become the Best You


So, how can therapy help you on this journey toward improving your feelings of self-worth and esteem? Imagine this: therapy can feel like walking into a cozy café where you can chat away your worries over a hot cup of tea. It’s a safe space where you can spill your thoughts, sort through your emotions, and really get to know yourself without any judgment. It’s all about finding that warm encouragement you deserve, even if you sometimes forget it yourself.

In therapy, you take the time to dive into why you feel the way you do. It can be a bit like peeling back the layers of an onion—sometimes it might make you a little teary, but it’s all part of the process! Techniques like cognitive-behavioral therapy can help you catch those negative thoughts before they spiral out of control, while mindfulness practices can bring you back to the moment and help calm that inner critic. EMDR can help you release these negative core beliefs and move even faster into starting to feel different and more compassionate (see our services page on EMDR to learn more about what this technique is). Through this exploration, you get to discover your strengths and start treating yourself with the kindness you often reserve for others.

One of the biggest shifts you can expect in therapy is letting go of that constant worry about how others see you. Instead of feeling tied down by the need for approval or acceptance, you start focusing on how you want to feel. You can ask yourself some powerful questions like, “Does this situation uplift me?” or “Am I surrounding myself with people who truly appreciate me?” By prioritizing your feelings and needs, you can break free from the pressure of external expectations and start to create a life that resonates with your true self.

As you go through this therapeutic process, it becomes clearer that your worth isn’t tied to the number of likes you get on social media or how others see you. With gentle guidance and support, the foundation of your self-esteem can be built on the unwavering truth that you are enough, just as you are.

Picture this: walking into a room with your head held high, feeling more at ease in your skin, eager to embrace whatever life throws your way. It’s totally possible to foster that confidence and self-assurance you’ve been seeking.

If you’ve been thinking about reaching out for support, remember that therapy can be a nurturing step toward becoming the confident, vibrant person you’re meant to be. You absolutely deserve to feel great about yourself, and I’m rooting for you every step of the way! 💖 Check out our trained therapists who could help you on this journey by clicking here!

In a few weeks, we’ll write even more about at-home ways to help improve your feelings of self-worth. Stay tuned!

Written by Natalie Stringham, LCSW

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